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Colour Management

Uploaded images

When you upload your images and photographs from your computer to our servers, we set the colour space to sRGB and replace the embedded profiles with sRGB v4. This conversion, being an intelligent conversion, makes no noticeable changes to the colours of the original image, although on some occasions, with images with more particular characteristics or less common profiles, it may result in less colour fidelity.


Another recommendation is to set up your monitor correctly. A properly configured monitor and our colour management will ensure that you can safely preview the colours of your images as they will be delivered to you: what you see is the final result you will get. Here are our recommendations: 

  • Make sure that the sun is not shining directly on your monitor, or causing glare, and that it is not in semi-darkness or twilight.
  • Check that your monitor has the right settings: Gamma: 2.2, Brightness: 90-120 candelas p/m², and colour temperature: 5000 kelvin.
  • If you are a professional and want even more accurate colour management of your screen, you can use a colourimeter.


If you use any graphic editing software, or viewer (such as Photoshop or Lightroom) it is important that you recreate the printing conditions in the software so that you can see as realistic a preview of the colours as possible. For example, in Photoshop choose in the top menu "View" > "Proof settings" > "sRGB monitor". 

Operating system

Check that your operating system has a correct profile for your monitor applied. 

In Windows:

Control Panel > Colour Management. Then select the relevant monitor and check the option "Use my settings for this device". Now click "Add" and choose the profile "sRGB IEC61966-2.1" from the list and set it as the default profile or select your most recent monitor calibration.